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Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Why should I cite sources?

Just imagine, you have worked hard every night for two weeks on a paper. On the day that it is due; you drop it and someone else picks it up and puts their name on it. You did all the work but they are getting all the credit! How does that make you feel? Well, it is the same for all the information that you find to use in your report. Those people have worked hard getting their facts straight and putting their information together and now at the last minute, you are going to put your name on it. They did all the work and you are getting all the credit, sound familiar? Citing your sources is a way to show respect to those who did all the work and it keeps you from getting in trouble for copying and plagiarism. Plagiarism is the big name for taking others work and saying you did it, it is a form of cheating and stealing and can get you into BIG trouble! In School, you can get a bad grade or even expelled; but you can also get into legal trouble, have to pay fines and might even have to go to jail! Nowadays, there are many places on the web that can help you cite your sources properly. So take a minute to do it right and give credit where credit is due!

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